Mathematics is a fundamental part of everyday life and the world we live in.
At Christ Church Primary, we aim to provide an enjoyable, engaging and rewarding experience of maths. We want all children to see themselves as mathematicians and leave primary school equipped with a high-quality mathematics education that provides them with the confidence and strategies to tackle a range of mathematical concepts. In addition, we strive to ensure children have the ability to reason mathematically and an appreciation for the importance and power of maths.
We follow a mastery curriculum which means children acquire a deep, long-term and secure understanding of the curriculum. Our curriculum is carefully planned and designed to ensure pupils are given the best chances at mastering maths.
Our children thrive on puzzles and challenges, and develop resilience and a growth mindset which ensures they are not afraid of making mistakes.
Our Curriculum
Our maths curriculum follows a spiral curriculum approach where concepts are revisited to consolidate prior learning, and also to challenge children with greater complexity. We supplement our lessons with activities and resources from White Rose Maths and the NCETM Spine materials, as well as our own teacher expertise.
All classes participate in Mega Maths every other Friday. Sessions last all morning and focus on practical maths, often in groups and partner work. We may practise a brand new objective or consolidate past learning.
We are privileged to be among the first cohort of schools to participate in the Mastering Number project. This project aims to secure firm foundations in the development of good number sense for all children from Reception through to Year 1 and Year 2. The aim is that children will leave Key Stage 1 with fluency in calculation and a confidence and flexibility with number.
Sessions run for 15 minutes and are delivered in addition to our daily maths lesson.
Maths awards
Times tables are vitally important. They are a building block to mathematical knowledge and understanding. If children are fluent in times tables, they will increase speed and accuracy in mental maths as well as understanding other mathematical concepts more easily.
At Christ Church Primary, we celebrate individual achievements and success and believe this is key in motivating our pupils to achieve to the best of their ability and beyond.
TTRockstars is used to encourage and motivate children to learn their times tables, with a leaderboard in school celebrating success as well as weekly certificates in assembly.
- Mathematics Mental Calculation Policy v1.pdf pdf583.2 KbSep 17th, 2024
- Mathematics Written Calculation Policy v1.pdf pdf1.6 MbSep 17th, 2024
- Maths Policy 2021.pdf pdf459.2 KbSep 17th, 2024
- Progression of mathematical vocabulary.pdf pdf465.3 KbSep 17th, 2024
- Year 1 overview.pdf pdf484.0 KbSep 17th, 2024
- Year 2 overview.pdf pdf491.0 KbSep 17th, 2024
- Year 3 overview.pdf pdf499.4 KbSep 17th, 2024
- Year 4 overview.pdf pdf490.4 KbSep 17th, 2024
- year 5 final.pdf pdf229.2 KbSep 17th, 2024
- Year 6 overview.pdf pdf489.9 KbSep 17th, 2024