Reading for Pleasure

We know that you know reading is incredibly important so we make reading not just part of our every day life here at Christ Church, but we also make it pleasurable. Here are some of the benefits that exploring books and building a reading habit can bring:
  • Students who read for pleasure make significantly more progress in vocabulary, spelling and maths than children who read very little.
  • Reading for pleasure has many non-literacy benefits and can increase empathy, improve relationships with others, reduce the symptoms of depression and improve wellbeing throughout life.
  • Reading for pleasure has social benefits as well and can make people feel more connected to the wider community. Reading increases a person’s understanding of their own identity, improves empathy and gives them an insight into the world view of others.
  • Students with more positive attitudes towards reading are more likely to read at or above the expected level for their age.
  • There is a strong association between the amount of reading for pleasure students say they do and their reading achievement.
Our Literacy Unit Book
Our Class Reader