You said, We did

You Said, We did

You said, We did
We take comments and issues raised by children, parents and the school community. We strive every day to ensure that we are constantly evolving so that we can offer the best possible quality of education for your child. On this page you will find some of the things we have done based on feedback. 
The children in school wanted more to do at playtimes- Look at what we have now!
Parents who attended our well-being coffee morning asked for advice on the following:
  • Fussy eaters
  • Build back the community – we will continue to host regular coffee mornings for you so please encourage other parents to attend.
  • Involvement in early years – We are looking at this and how to develop our children’s resilience….. it is work in progress and we will keep you updated.
We look forward to seeing you at our next coffee morning.
Parents requested that we offer 30 hours provision - we now have that in place.
In order to fit in with flexible working parents requested that we have a breakfast and after school club- We are currently surveying parents and trying to put this plan into action. 
Children wanted a safe place that they could use when they wanted quiet time to reflect or relax- We now have a nurture room available at all times throughout the day. 
Parents and children asked if we could run a forest school. We will be starting this in November 22 with Nursery, Reception and year 1 children on a Friday afternoon. 
During surveys lots of people wanted more variety of clubs so this year we have changed how we organised them and added in a Samba club for our older children and a mixed activity club for our younger children.