Welcome to Christ Church CofE Primary School
Whether you are a parent, pupil or just visiting we hope you find this website useful.
At Christ Church we aim to provide outstanding education for all children. Every child is unique and valuable with a wide range of gifts and talents that need to be nurtured and celebrated. It is our job to do this by providing a broad, well balanced, creative and fun curriculum. We want all children to be proud of what they have achieved at our school and to ‘Let their Light Shine’ as our school motto says.
Christian values underpin everything we do. Respect , Compassion, Forgiveness, Friendship and Thankfulness are particularly important to us. We have close links with our local Church but we offer an unconditional welcome to all children in our community, whatever their faith.
Parents and carers play a crucial role in their children’s lives and in our school community. We look forward to working with you to provided the best education possible for your children.
If you would like to look around the school and meet staff, please make an appointment at the school office
(Mr Mann – 0191 2570323)
I look forward to welcoming you and your family to our school.
Best Wishes
Mrs L Bradford
Head Teacher
At Christ Church we aim to provide outstanding education for all children. Every child is unique and valuable with a wide range of gifts and talents that need to be nurtured and celebrated. It is our job to do this by providing a broad, well balanced, creative and fun curriculum. We want all children to be proud of what they have achieved at our school and to ‘Let their Light Shine’ as our school motto says.
Christian values underpin everything we do. Respect , Compassion, Forgiveness, Friendship and Thankfulness are particularly important to us. We have close links with our local Church but we offer an unconditional welcome to all children in our community, whatever their faith.
Parents and carers play a crucial role in their children’s lives and in our school community. We look forward to working with you to provided the best education possible for your children.
If you would like to look around the school and meet staff, please make an appointment at the school office
(Mr Mann – 0191 2570323)
I look forward to welcoming you and your family to our school.
Best Wishes
Mrs L Bradford
Head Teacher