SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development)

SMSC Statement

This work is absolutely integral to everything we do. It plays a very significant role in contributing to the high levels of motivation, tolerance and outstanding behaviour which the children show.

This is not a "subject" in itself but opportunities to promote it are actively planned for across all subject areas of the curriculum; within collective worship; within our behaviour policy, within our safeguarding policies and within our codes of conduct. It has particularly strong links to our work in Personal, Social and Health Education.

As a result of this being planned for, this means we can, and do, monitor its impact. There are many ways to do this and these include monitoring pupil interviews, displays, extra-curricular activities and our community links which are local, national and international.

The importance of SMSC cannot be underestimated and the staff spend considerable time planning and reviewing for it. It is what helps us be "Christ Church Cof E Primary School."